Fanny is our adorable girl from Poland. She's been the best mom ever and is now retired.
She has been such a delightful dog! Fanny is full of energy and humor. She's wickedly smart, learning new things in just one or two exposures to the skill. She loves to play with Evie (her daughter), chase birds or squirrels in the backyard, go on car rides, and on long exploring wanders.
She holds her ears high, so she always looks interested and curious. She has good self-control which is so nice if she has to wait for something. She has beautiful movement, in fact, one of the judges remarked that her movement was "brilliant." She's clean coming and going, balanced front and rear, level topline, feminine head expressing either playfulness or sophistication.
She loves people but isn't underfoot.
Using her nose in scent games or "hunting" around in open areas off-leash are activities she adores.
Fanny is very intuitive! She understands so much of what I'm communicating to her and she has a special way of communicating to me with her eyes.
As mothering goes, she is the best mother I've seen or even heard about. Truth!!
Her puppies have been universally bold, intelligent, intuitive, and gorgeous!
YAY for our Polish Princess!
Stats and Clearances
Registration: AKC #SR97805301 & PKR.VIII-35101
CHIC Number: 132267
Date of Birth: 17 June 2016
Hips (OFA): Good
Elbows (OFA): Normal
Eyes (DNA): prcd-PRA Clear; PRA1 Clear; PRA2 Carrier
Eyes (OFA): Clear 5/22 (ophthalmologist)
Heart (OFA): Normal (cardiologist w/ Echo)
Ichthyosis: Clear
Degenerative Myelopathy: Clear
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL): Clear
Weight: 60 pounds
Height: 21.50 inches
Country of Origin: Poland
30 May 2019
10 Feb 2020
5 Sept 2020
24 Jan 2022
NatSR Puppy 4/17
IntSR Puppy 4/17
IntCH 10/17